Had a few days to contemplate this trek with Daz and Graeme. Possibly one of the best days on the hill but doing this in anything other than good weather does not do justice to such a classic. We were rewarded with our patience on what proved to be a lovely day for it - snow above 800m and dark clouds meant that the contrasts of the day were really emphasised. The Ben accompanied us round the whole route and dwarfed us. Anyone on the CMD arete would have been in for an interesting route.
G and D found a couple of the scrambles very 'airy'. The second on Devil's Ridge was exposed but for me, the awkward clamber over a part of the Saddle is still my most precipitous moment. Skye awaits next month of course when it'll be an entirely different KOF.
The view looking back from Sgurr a Mhaim to the Devil's Ridge is quite stunning and an A3 colour glossy is 'en train'! Add in the piquancy of the wire bridge and the crossing of the Steall falls and you have a perfect cocktail of a hillwalking day.