Monday, 19 March 2007


Back in 2005, I had been asked to go along and do this hill with the director of my company who was doing this as his last Munro. As Tim faffed aboot in the car park with his mates, I decided to bugger off and get him at the top. The Braes of Foss car park leads to a superb path, recently 'laid' by the good people who have the patience to do this kind of stuff. It wasn't long before I reached the plateau and I was heading across the boulder field - care was needed to traverse across these huge boulders but it was an excellent day with views all round. I rested upon the summit on top of one of the large bouders and waited for Tim and his cronies (and champers). However, 30 minutes later he still hadn't arrived and I was beginning to get a little cold. Sod it, I ran back down the hill and wished him well 2/3 of the way up. An excellent hill especially for the beginner. What an unsociable sod I am.

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