Had planned to do the Ring of Steall with a guy from Walk Highlands website but once we arrived at the car park, decided that would be for a better day. The clag was down, the mouchettes were oot and we decided to head through the forest for MnC. We zig-zagged up the path but made a wee technical error somewhere with the GPS. What followed next could only be described as Rambo-esque climbing through bracken, heather and forest. Not much fun and the sweat was pashing off me. Mind you, my compadre was struggling even more - no wonder as he was carrying a 65 litre pack with an incredible amount of stuff. He was certainly prepped.
We got on to the hill proper and from there it was an easy enough pad up on to the red screes of this hill. Mind you, the 1st cairn was not the summit point so on we marched until the 1st M-point was in the bag. I'm sure folk will have made a booboo from this 1st cairn but no us. We didn't hing aboot and began the pad over to Stob Ban. This was a much more picturesque hill with great quartzite drops on either side of its peak. The meander over to the hill takes a good 25 minutes so you do feel like you've earned this 2nd Munro. Once up on the hill, we took the photaes, checked the route down (initially tricky) and headed down off the bealach into the corrie, on an excellent path. Monty began running down so I just kept up - by the time we hit the car park, it had taken us 4 hours and 30 minutes. A good pad but it was a pity the views were at a premium. Off to the Black Isle next week and hoping for better weather when tackling some of the Torridon peaks - fabbydoo!
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