Tuesday 11 June 2024

An Riabhachan from Glen Strathfarrar

 Finally, at the 4th time of asking I climbed this bugger. It’s a long way in and out no matter how you come at it. I opted for this approach as it’s a decent path to its base. I parked at the dam and immediately the rain came on. It would get worse. I yomped round to the power station quickly and it was a case of rain for 20 mins, sun for 20 mins. As I got higher, it would change between hail and snow. But I thoroughly enjoyed the wildness and solitude. I never saw a soul all day until almost back at the car. There were plenty of deer around though and they dashed for cover when I got to the shoulder of my climb. The snowfields above disappeared into the clag. Inviting me into Winter. As I climbed, I realised this was a big hill at 1129m. I eventually reached the snow clad cairn and sent a text home. I didn’t hang around and dropped down quickly. The return was straightforward but still a long walk out. A 6-hour walk with 22.5km and 1100m ascent. Tough but satisfying to finally experience this one to its fullest. 

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