Wednesday 10 June 2015

Sgurr na Carnach - a return to the Sisters...

It had been over 10 years since I had been up on the bealach na lapin and in that time, I had met a new lass, got married, moved and had a bairn. My god, had it really been so long? The measurement of time is very relative to hill jaunts and I suppose a nice way to relate hills to moments in our life. My return over the Spaniard and then on the larger Munro proper, Sgurr na Ciste Duibh, was with a Swedish lass who had been interested but the favour was not returned, over 10 years ago. Dropping North down to the bealach between this and my first objective had taken me a lot longer than I anticipated and my water reserves were running low. I made a decision to return once up and on to Sgurr na Carnach while my last objective mocked me from little over a kilometre away. No matter, I was keen to return to the area and perhaps ascend via its Eastern ridge from Glenlichd House. Was this finally Summer approaching?

It's easy to forget how spectacular this area is and the interesting downclimb from the Spaniard ove to Sgurr na Ciste Duibh. Even while the cloud dipped in and out, it's a fantastic mountain range. Great to return but tinged with slight disappointment that I couldn't nail Munro 241.