Thursday 6 March 2008

Ben Lomond Hill Race 2008 - Training commences

With some trepidation, I have decided to register for the Ben Lomond Hill Race - this takes in a 9-mile route and ascent of 3162 ft. I have always wanted to have a go at a Kate Bush-style race and will need to seriously get in training for this. One must reach the halfway point by 45 minutes otherwise they turn you back - that will not be happening, I can assure you. So, I'm off out this weekend to get my basic hill-speed up - whether I walk and pelt it down remains to be seen and as usual weather pending. It's on the 10th May so I have a full 2 months - booze will be limited, football is cancelled and plenty of stretching at karate should see me all svelte and ready. However, I have no intention of pursuing the other Munro's with the same gusto and will be happy to plod up and enjoy the views. Wish me luck.

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