Saturday 10 March 2007

The Drumochter 4

I decided to head North for a couple of days bagging on my tod. Emma was glad that I was buggering off, I think. Staying at the Balsporran cottages, near the A9, it was a large breakfast and then off on a very hot day (I took 5 litres of water with me) up Geal Charn. I should have given my breakfast half an hour as I was fair puggled, going up the hill. By the time I had bagged the 1st Munro though, I was on form and making good time. I had the hills all to myself and I thoroughly enjoyed the solitude. I headed down to the bealach, then began the ascent towards A Mharconaich, which seemed surprisingly easy to get to. I was well ahead of time and took a time out to survey the ugly scar which is the A9 running through the highlands. And now they're thinking of putting huge pylons through Drumochter now in aw'. I set off down to the 3rd Munro of the day, following the line of fence posts to Beinn Udlamain, which affored great views across to the impressive Ben Alder and it's surrounding peaks. From here, it was down to a boggy bealach and a multitude of deer (maybe 100?) before the pull up to Sgairneach Mhor and the last Munro of the day and an OS trigpoint. I had lunch here and then began the descent to a land rover track and ultimately heading back alongside the A9, which was a soul-less end to a great day. This 22km trip took about 6 hours and I was back at the Balsporran in time for tea!

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