Monday 5 March 2007

The Tarmachan Ridge

Just efter I'd got my Phd (fit'll a loon dee?), I was asked to do this one as part of a charity day thingy for the Yoonie. I have to say it was a fairly uninteresting hill until the scramble up towards the summit - my friend's dog couldn't get up the bloody slope - we had to push and pull it until eventually it fell towards the corrie - I hated it anyway. Luckily, it survived and eventually joined us after we had bagged the hill and were doing the round. I'm making most of this up but it did seem quite precipitous at the time. I got home, had 3 pints of beer and vomited everywhere - never drink on an empty stomach, especially efter a hill. Not one I remember with much fondness, partially due to weather and due to it's emetic effect. Just a lightweight.

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